After Foundation
Building a better society
Determined to build a society that cares for all the people. Help the needy by collaborative efforts from those who have the strength and heart to help.
What We Do
After Foundation is an initiative that strives to help the needy of the society by collaborative efforts from like minded people willing to change the society for good.
Free Schooling
Assist the needy to educate their children
steady growth
Provide sustenance so every person can earn his bread.
How It Works ?
After Foundation works on the PETAL structure and utilizes its resources to the best. This created opportunities to serve the needy in the best possible way.
Motivated Members
Wishing the Elected Cheif Minister of Tamilnadu,
After WINNING STATE Election 2021.
Member of Afterfoundation
A.Vasim Adnan
Recommendation from great artists
Good work is always appreciated by those who value good work !